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Yes, Reynolds, Like: "Ryan Reynolds"

Hello everyone! Xin chào mọi người, 大家好

I hope everyone has had a fantastic start to April! I hope all the final projects are going smoothly and summer plans are getting ready :).
This week was pretty standard - Elder Vassantachart and I have been biking everywhere and staying busy. 

Preparation Day:
Last Preparation Day our district went to... an escape room. Keeping it the same as it was in the South! It just so happens the same company that runs the escape rooms in Saigon is also in our area here - so we tried a new escape room. The Attic. I have to admit - it was pretty spooky. The murderer would come into the room and you had hide while he came in screaming and banging on everything. Unfortunately, we did not win this escape room... 0/4. 

After the escape room we got some ice cream and then went to a random furniture store. It was interesting. 

Ryan Reynolds:
As I have been introducing myself here in the north, people always say "Oh, like, Ryan Reynolds" (the movie actor). I used to jokingly say it in the south, but I always initiated it. Apparently, everyone in Hanoi knows who Ryan Reynolds is. 

Speaking Mandarin!!!
Last week I found a Facebook group that was full of Chinese people that were living in Hanoi. I messaged a bunch and found this really cool guy who is studying abroad from Mainland China. He came to the church and I got to speak to him in Mandarin! For once, I was finally the person who knew what was going on, and everyone else was confused, haha!! He actually speaks super good Vietnamese too, and we kept switching back and forth. I thought my brain was going to explode. Thank goodness I have been learning Vietnamese through Mandarin on Duolingo. It paid off!

Going to the Outskirts:
On Sunday Elder Vassantachart and I had some of our lessons fall through which opened up a bunch of free time in the evening. We decided to try to go "find" in an area pretty far away from the center of the city. After a 30min bike ride in the rain we finally made it and had some really good conversations! We got to fly some kites with people and see a new part of the area. 
Spiritual Thought: Mosiah 24:13-14 
The verses are a little bit long, so I'm not going to post them here. The verses are about Alma and his people when they are being persecuted by Amulon. The Lord speaks to them and tells them because of their promises/commitments to follow him, that he will ease their burdens, "...even that you cannot feel them upon your backs..."

I know that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and His mercy, we have the strength to overcome anything. When Jesus Christ sacrificed His life for us, He took those burdens upon Himself for us. It doesn't mean that our trials and burdens are going to disappear - but it does mean when we encounter them we will have the strength and power to work through them. 
I hope you have an amazing week! Thanks for the read. Hopefully I will get some more entertaining stories soon! Until then, enjoy some photos I took this week. I promise... I am going to take more... I'm sorry... 

Anh Cả Reynolds

Elder Vassantachart flying a kite for the first time 


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